New Memberships
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Membership Renewals
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Member Benefits
- AGSA Website
- AGSA Member Forum – WhatsApp
- Subscription to Turf News
- Special Member Rates for the AGSA Conference & Trade Show
- Access to AGSA Membership Directory
- Employment Referral Service
- Networking Opportunities (Conference, Scramble, Curling Bonspiel)
- Recognition & Awards Program
- Bursary Program for AGSA member’s children
- Membership Surveys
- Turf News: Atlantic Canadian Superintendents Magazine
Turf News Magazine is produced by the AGSA. It is developed and published on a quarterly basis. The magazine recognizes our maritime turf professionals, publishes relevant articles from our region and around the world. It also highlights our corporate partners and their valued professional turf industry products, services and teams.
Membership Fees: 2024-2025

Categories and Benefits
Class A – Golf Course Superintendent Members
To qualify for Class A Membership, an applicant shall have, at the time of the application for membership, at least three (3) years experience as a golf course superintendent and be employed in such capacity. Class A members must hold a valid pesticide licence. Class A Members shall have all the privileges of the Association.
Class B Superintendents and Assistants
To qualify for membership, one shall at the time of application have completed at least one year as a golf course superintendent or at least three years as an assistant to a Class A member. Class B members must hold a valid pesticide licence. Members in this category have all the privileges of the Association.
Class C - Assistant
To qualify as an Assistant, an applicant shall have worked for one year or more under a Class A Superintendent. Assistants shall not be entitled to vote or hold office in this Association.
Corporate Membership
Recognizes the sales and service companies that deal with the association. If for any reason a stated representative leaves a corporation, membership in the Association shall remain with the company. Corporate Members shall not have the right to vote. Corporations who are not members of the Association shall not be allowed to solicit or display their wares at any event sanctioned by the Association.
Industry Affiliate Members
To qualify for an industry affiliate membership, an Applicant must be doing business in the turfgrass industry and be in the employ of an AGSA Corporate member. An Industry Affiliate member shall not be entitled to vote. The number of industry Affiliate members shall at no time exceed 15% of the total membership of the Association.
A student member is someone enrolled in an accredited turf management program at a college or university.
Maintenance Members
To qualify for membership, an applicant must have at least (1) year’s experience under the employment of an “A” or “B” Superintendent. Members shall not be entitled to vote or to hold office.
Inactive Members
An Inactive Member is a member who by circumstances such as unemployment, illness or adverse financial condition, is unable to pay dues. Membership in the class may be granted, upon proper application, at the direction of the Executive Committee. Inactive members may not vote or hold office. An Inactive Member shall be excused from payment of annual dues and assessments for a maximum of five years. Inactive member status is to be reviewed annually.
Turf News: Atlantic Canadian Superintendents Magazines
Turf News magazine is produced by the AGSA. It is developed and published on a quarterly basis. The magazine recognizes our maritime turf professionals, publishes relevant articles from our region and around the world. It also highlights our corporate partners and their valued professional turf industry products, services and teams.