Established in 1967, the AGSA is a professional organization of golf course superintendents and turfgrass industry representatives. We are committed to excellence in golf course management and environmental responsibility through the continued professional development of our members.

AGSA Board of Directors


To help familiarize you with AGSA’s elected and executive leadership, the following is a list of each member and the role each person plays in the organization.

Chester Golf Club
206 Golf Course Road
Chester, NS B0J 1J0

Green Gables Golf Club
8727 Cavendish Rd., Route 6
Hunter River, PE C0A 1N0

West Hills Golf Club
200 Summerhill Row
Fredericton, NB E3G 0C4

NB Director
Rockwood Park Golf Club
1255 Sandy Point Rd.
Saint John, NB E2K 5E3

NL Director
Glendenning Golf Club
120 Gabriel Road
St. John’s, NL A1H 1A5

NS Director
Ashburn Golf Club
3250 Joseph Howe Drive
Halifax, NS B3L 4G1

Director at Large
Eagles Glen Golf Club
374 Eagles Glen Blvd.
Cavendish, PE C0A 1N0

Director at Large
Westfield Golf Club
8 Golf Club Road
Grand Bay-Westfield, NB E5K 2Y9

Mission / Vision

The mission of the AGSA is to promote the exchange of scientific and practical knowledge related to the care of golf courses. Our vision is to facilitate in professional knowledge, agronomic excellence and environmental stewardship.

Code of Ethics & Conduct


WHEREAS, this code of ethics and conduct is established to act as a guide to appropriate conduct for the members of the Association, and to promote a high level of professional standards of service and conduct amongst those members;

AND WHEREAS one uniform code of ethics and conduct, closely adhered to and enforced, will help develop individual responsibility, character and professionalism within the Association;

AND WHEREAS failure of a member to comply with the rules set out in this code of ethics and conduct may result in disciplinary action; including imposition of fines, suspension of privileges and termination of membership in accordance with the By-Laws of the Association.

THEREFORE, the Association enacts and each member subscribes to and agrees to abide by the following code of ethics and conduct:

  1. Each member shall maintain courteous relations with the Association and with each of his fellow members;
  2. Each member shall recognize and discharge all of his responsibilities and duties to the best of his ability and knowledge, and shall apply sound principles of business management and turf management in all his professional endeavours;
  3. Each member shall endeavour to expand his professional knowledge at every practical opportunity, in order to improve himself and his profession.
  4. Each member shall maintain the highest standards of personal and professional conduct in order to reflect credit upon and add to the stature of the Association and the profession of golf course superintendency.
  5. NO member shall initiate or engage in correspondence or discussion with a director, member or official of another club or provide professional or consulting services to another club without first notifying the golf superintendent associated with that club;
  6. No member shall seek to obtain employment or career advancement by applying for or otherwise seeking to secure a position already filled by a member of the Association.
  7. Where a member is aware that an employment vacancy for a golf superintendent exists, he/she shall make every effort to encourage the potential employer to retain a golf superintendent who is a member in good standing of the Association.
  8. No member shall offer any endorsement on behalf of the Association, exploit his affiliation with the Association in connection with any endorsement, or otherwise suffer the name, goodwill or reputation of the Association to be mentioned in connection with any endorsement without the written approval of the Association.
  9. Each member shall support and actively participate in the efforts of the Association to improve public understanding and recognition of the profession of golf course superintendency;
  10. Where any member becomes aware of any wilful violation of this code of ethics, he/she shall promptly report such violation in writing to the Association at its head office or to any one or more of the Directors of the Association.



Click the link below to DOWNLOAD the AGSA BY-LAWS in pdf format.

Download AGSA By-laws